2015年3月31日 星期二


究竟佢明唔明咩係share house

haha, it is funny to read it after half a year
It is a philosophy to live with others (29/11/2015)

2015年3月30日 星期一

150330 事非&氣度

話說廉價勞工計劃有幾個whatsapp group. 某一男說話比較直接,說了一些說話得罪人。幾個女生便在女生whatsapp group 說男生不是。但女生組中有人是男生女友。那麼,男生便知道有人說他。我發現女友一直都表現得很有氣度。如加入罵戰即與事非者輪為同一種人。

小二, 花生!

2015年3月29日 星期日

150330 德國工作假期 - Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung form

Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung form!!!!!!!! YOU MADE MY DAY!!!
The below passage was too useful for me. I feel like I just came to Germany yesterday...

It take me several months to play this game...ich verstehe es nicht...

Credit to :http://startupgermany.tumblr.com/

Starting Your Company in Germany - How to Make it Happen

If your first-hand experience in Germany goes beyond the infamous beer tasting cruise down the Rhine River you have probably learned it by now: getting things done in this country is complicated. German bureaucrats are not exactly known for extending a warm welcome to newcomers from abroad, let alone being helpful when it comes to filling out those dreadful forms asking you to consent to aStatusfeststellungsverfahren or other 30-letter words.
Granted, starting a company won’t be as easy as ordering Currywurstdown at the train station, but it shouldn’t require small business entrepreneurs to spend loads of money on tax professionals and lawyers, or bugging their German friends to help them understand the difference between Vermögensvergleich andEinnahmenüberschussrechnung (because believe us, they won’t know).
We feel your pain and we are here to help.
Depending on the size and legal form of your future company, starting a business in Germany can require a considerable number of initial registrations with various public agencies. However, if you just touched down in the Deutschland you are most likely interested in what you need to do to start your own small business asap (btw, the following guides apply to freelancers/contractors alike). Here’s how to register such an Einzelunternehmen (sole proprietorship):
First, you need to register in the city you live in. To do so, you will need to present the following documents to your local Bürgerbüro(citizen office):
(1) A rental contract (e.g. a sublet contract from your roommate)
(2) A valid photo ID (i.e. your passport)
(3) The completed Anmeldung form (see below for an English language guide)
    Once registered, you will need to register with the Finanzamt (tax authorities) and the Gewerbeamt (trade licensing office) (see English language guides below). Depending on the type of business you are planning to start, you may only need to register with the Finanzamt (for now), for example if you are simply looking to start your own French language teaching service you will not need to show up at theGewerbeamt.
    Since there is no way around your local Finanzamt we suggest that you report to them first by mailing the completed Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung form. Sad but true, the below guide is the first ever comprehensive English language guide to filling out this 8-page tax monster. The guide will help you determine whether an additional registration with the Gewerbeamt is necessary. If so, you will need to show up once again in person and present the following documents
    (1) A valid photo ID (i.e. your passport)
    (2) Your Meldebescheinigung (proof of registration in Germany)
    (3) The completed Gewerbeanmeldung form (business registration) (see English language guide below)
      Summing up: in order to start your own small business/work as a self-employed entrepreneur (which also includes doing contract/freelance work for another company) in Germany you will need to:
      (1) Show up to the Bürgerbüro in person
      (2) Send a letter to the Finanzamt, and potentially
      (3) Show up at the Gewerbeamt in person
        Both the Bürgerbüro and the Gewerbeamt typically issue all relevant forms on the spot. The Finanzamt takes about two to three weeks to send your Steuernummer (German tax ID) in the mail. This number will have to go on your invoices (see previous post).
        You have probably noticed that we omitted one very important step: obtaining a work visa for self-employed entrepreneurs – arguably the most challenging steps of them all. Neither did we address the additional administrative burden associated with starting a company other than an Einzelunternehmen, e.g. the popular GmbH.
        You are right. We definitely owe you another post. So be sure to check back for updates.
        Here are your guides for today:

        2015年3月13日 星期五

        150313 德國工作假期 - 自我檢討
